Our Team
Meet our Team

The Jonny Warren Properties Team is a locally based real estate agency in Canberra that offers a range of services across the real estate market. You can expect us to deliver exceptional service, so you’ll know exactly where you stand from the moment we take your call. We can help with a wide range of transactions, and our team is made up of experienced, passionate professionals who are committed to ensuring you receive superior service. Contact us today to see how we can work together!
Click on the agent profile to read more about our agents
Jonny Warren
Director, Sales Team Leader and Auctioneer
Ben Mills
Sales Executive
Ben Power
Buyers Agent
Belinda Le Ruez
Co-Director & Sales Executive
Tim & Tara Davaris
Sales Executives
Tash Hannaway
Sales Administrator & Marketing Manager
Tahlia Scott-Miller
Sales Associate
Ellie Brault
Head of Property Management
Raphael Rillon
Digital Media Manager
Sienna Sewter
Sales Executive
Jodie Clews
Property Management Administration Support